Every family should have some rules around food and eating. From the time I was trained as a pediatrician until today, I have been taught that food should not be a battleground. As parents, we think we need to get kids to eat. But we DO NOT. They will eat what they need to grow on from the balance of food we present. Here are some rules every house should apply.
Do not pressure kids to eat.
Do not worry about how much your child eats at any age!
Make them eat from your choices , not theirs.
Their choice should be to eat or not eat.
Do not play around to “get them to eat”.
Do not pay attention to their behavior around food.
These rules should make your house more peaceful around meals and dinnertime. To learn more join our discussion of these rules on Thursday October 30th at 11:30 at our parent coffee. Good luck.
Dr. Orr