Families need to teach values. I am not talking the “family values” that politicians speak about but don’t carry out themselves. I am talking about values that families show by how they live. How we carry ourselves and act in our daily life demonstrates the true values we have. If you aren’t showing enough value in your life, this is a call to action. We teach values by how we live so I have a suggestion for families.
Imagine if all family members tried to reach a goal of four kindnesses a day. I believe we would make great changes in our culture if all families strived for this. Our culture pushes self-centered individualism. Events in our world necessitate a change in this attitude in America. We can change this attitude just by changing actions in our homes.
So let’s talk about the four kindnesses. We can start with ourselves. We can start each day with a kindness to ourselves. I don’t want to foster more self-centeredness. But I do think it is important to do something positive for oneself everyday. Do something healthy. Ten minutes more exercise. Eat an extra piece of fruit. Don’t spoil yourself in a negative way. But show yourself some kindness. By showing our kids respect for self we teach them that we value our bodies and souls.
The second kindness gets us out of oneself but stays in the family. Do an act of kindness for a family member. This does not mean you need to be cruel to other family members. “I can only be kind to one family member today and today isn’t your day so get outta my face.” This is not the right spirit. Our kindness theme should spread and not be limited. But for starters, do something kind for a sibling, your mother, your daughter, son or husband. They don’t even have to know it. Perhaps they don’t see it or acknowledge it. But you know you did something nice.
Next, move outside the family. Complement a friend. Talk to the cashier at the supermarket. Somehow, someway brighten the day of someone you see. Again, don’t look for appreciation or acknowledgement. Just do it. People might think you’re crazy. But my hope is we all turn crazy in this way. Finally, do something positive for the world community. Walk more, drive less. Pick up some litter. Donate some clothes. Write a letter to an orphan in a third world country. (Check out www.NPHHonduras.org) Support a process of change in politics. Join a campaign!
I wish the world were better. And so do you. And this will help. Four kindnesses a day – self, family, neighbor, world. Imagine. We can all do this. It really isn’t asking a lot. Spread the word. Clip this article and send it along. Copy it for everyone at work. I promise some extra smiles and more joy in your life. Start today! (By the way, what do you think your kids will learn from this?)